BINDT Vibration Analysis and Lubrication Analysis Training – 2020 Courses Available Now

November 05 2019 0Comment

BINDT Vibration Analysis and Lubrication Analysis Training – 2020 Courses Available Now

PCMS Engineering is running a number of five-day Vibration Analysis Level 1 and 2 courses and Lubrication Analysis Level 1 courses throughout the year, aimed at preparing candidates for the BINDT PCN Certification exam.

As an Accredited Training Organisation (ATO) for the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT), an accredited certification body offering personnel certification against criteria set out in international and European standards through the internationally recognised PCN Certification Scheme, all our vibration analysis courses follow ISO 18436 standards.

One of the many benefits of achieving PCN qualification is that personnel who contribute to effective plant asset management and condition-based management and predictive maintenance will hold an independent certification; enhancing career prospects and confidence in competence.

BINDT Vibration Analysis Level 1 is an introductory level into vibration analysis and will enable candidates to establish competency in the fundamental key skills and understanding of monitoring plant and process equipment.

BINDT Vibration Analysis Level 2 is aimed at candidates who already have a good understanding of the fundamentals of vibration analysis and want to be confident and capable of performing industrial machinery vibration measurements and basic vibration analysis using single-channel measurement.

BINDT Lubrication Analysis Level 1 is ideal for those looking for an introduction into lubrication analysis and will enable the candidate to establish competency in the fundamental key skills and understanding of lubrication and laboratory testing.

In addition to our scheduled vibration analysis training courses which we run throughout the year, we can offer bespoke in-house training for organisations at a location and time to suit. This flexibility means that your staff can take full advantage of our training provision in their own environment to further enhance their learning objectives.

For more information about our vibration analysis training courses, email us at or click here