Get 40% off the list price of a 2140 Machinery Health Analyser in 2019

July 19 2019 0Comment

Get 40% off the list price of a 2140 Machinery Health Analyser in 2019

For a limited time only, get up to 40% off the list price of a 2140 Machinery Health Analyser with GO Emerson’s competitive swap out.

Swap any competitive route-based portable vibration data collector* and get up to 40% off the list price of a 2140 Machinery Health Analyser.

*Low-end vibration pens and collectors are not eligible.

Emerson’s AMS 2140 Machinery Health Analyser takes vibration data collection and analysis to the next level with simultaneous four-channel plus phase data collection and unique peak detection capabilities to identify bearing and gearbox degradation.

The analyser is now available with PeakVue Plus, a technology enhancement that brings prescriptive analytics to the field to help users improve the availability of rotating machinery. The firmware streamlines the path from data collection to action and enables users to make timely, corrective decisions when analysing machinery vibration.

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