Our pillar load cells are highly adaptable to a large number of applications including challenging environments.

These high strength stainless steel compression load cells are fully environmentally protected making them both reliable and durable.

Each pillar load cell is fitted with a domed loading cap to greatly reduce the effect of offset loads and a base plate can be supplied for mounting purposes. The load cell’s cable is fitted via an integral connector to allow for on-site mating, removing the need for handling large lengths of heavy duty cable whilst positioning the load cells.

Features and benefits of pillar compression load cells:

  • Designed and manufactured in the UK for high quality assurance
  • Robust construction for use in hostile environments
  • Easy to install, operate and remove
  • Adaptable, durable and reliable
  • Long design life with corrosion protection
  • Bespoke solutions tailored to your specific needs
  • Supplied with full certificate of calibration
  • Integral connector for improved operational safety

Cabled pillar compression load cell typical specifications:

mV/V output mA output
Ratedload As required As required
Proofload 150% of rate load 150% of rate load
Non-linearity < ± 0.15% of full scale < ± 0.15% of full scale
Non-repeatability < ± 0.05% of full scale < ± 0.05% of full scale
Zerobalance < ± 0.05% of full scale < ± 0.05% of full scale
Environmentalprotection As required As required
Safetyfactor As required As required
Operatingtemperature -20oC to +60oC -20oC to +60oC
Storagetemperature -30oC to +80oC -30oC to +80oC
Cableconnection Gland or connector Gland or connector
Cablelength 5m as standard 5m as standard
Outputsignal mV/V 4-20mA
Electricalconnection 4 core 2 or 3 wire
Recommendedexcitation voltage 10V N/A
Maximumexcitation voltage 15V N/A
Recommendedsupply voltage N/A 24V
Maximum supplyvoltage N/A 30V
Bridgeresistance 700 Ohm N/A
Sensitivity 1.5mV/V - 2.0mV/V nominal N/A

Wireless pillar compression load cell typical specifications:

Wireless output
Ratedload As required
Proofload 150% of rate load
Non-linearity < ± 0.15% of full scale
Non-repeatability < ± 0.05% of full scale
Zerobalance < ± 0.05% of full scale
Environmentalprotection As required
Safetyfactor IP66
Operatingtemperature -20oC to +60oC
Storagetemperature -30oC to +80oC
Outputsignal Wireless (input signal mV/V)
Datalogging In interface
Batterytype 3 x D
Activebattery life Up to 500 hours
Standbybattery life Up to 1700 hours
Telemetryfrequency 2.4Ghz ISM
Systemrange Up to 350m
Samplingrate 10Hz (500Hz max)

Low profile compression load cell typical dimensions: 

Loadrating (tonnes) Weight(kg) A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm
100Te 100 8.5 170 127 100 184 86
200Te 200 18 215 163 126 210 112
300Te 300 28 240 179 151 244 136
500Te 500 75 320 248 216 320 196
700Te 700 86 350 281 216 320 196
1000Te 1000 160 400 315 272 246 246

Available options:

  • Cabled and wireless options
  • Environmentally sealed to IP66 or as required
  • Can be used singularly or in sets
  • Base plate optional
Pillar Compression Load Cells



    Our compression load cell product range includes:

    Beam Compression Load Cells

    Beam Compression Load Cells

    Low Profile Compression Load Cells

    Low Profile Compression Load Cells

    Miniature Compression Load Cells

    Miniature Compression Load Cells

    Underwater Compression Load Cells

    Underwater Compression Load Cells

    Calibration and Repairs

    Calibration and Repairs


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