Our centre of gravity system both weighs and calculates the centre of gravity of any large structure and is fully configurable to customer requirements.

A typical system comprises load cells and custom designed software to read and display individual load cell readings, total loads and the centre of gravity of the module being weighed. Each lifting point can have a maximum of eight load cells and a minimum of two, the number being determined by the size of the structure.

Our centre of gravity systems facilitate the safe lifting and transportation of large and heavy structures, such as offshore oil rigs, jack-up rigs and vessels, by enabling the lifting operators to determine the dead weight, and therefore the type of crane required, as well as establishing the best position of the lifting points to keep the structure stable during a lift.

Advantages of our centre of gravity system:

  • Determines both the weight and centre of gravity of large structures
  • Provides load measurements in real-time
  • Facilitates safe lifting and transportation
  • Ensures structures remain stable during lifts
Centre of Gravity



    Our monitoring services include:

    Integration with SmartLoad® technology

    Integrating our award winning SmartLoad® technology, the system comprises load cells which weigh and automatically calculate your lift’s centre of gravity. Our custom designed software can display the COG as the lift is in progress. The lift load data is then stored and available to download for analysis and reporting.

    The flexibility of our SmartLoad® technology means that the COG software can be used with your existing SmartLoad® load cells, removing the need for expensive full system upgrades.

    Features and benefits of centre of gravity system:

    • Live centre of gravity indication
    • Accurate, reliable and robust
    • Determines both weight and centre of gravity
    • Facilitates safe lifting
    • Simple and intuitive set up and design
    • Can be used with multiple load cells and configurations


    • Available with SmartLoad® technology
    • Cabled or wireless
    • Hazardous area Zone 0, 1 and 2

    Geotechnical Monitoring

    Geotechnical Monitoring

    Data Services

    Data Services

    Bridge and Structural Health Monitoring

    Bridge and Structural Health Monitoring

    Load Testing

    Load Testing

    Environmental Monitoring

    Environmental Monitoring


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