The OnTrak SmartLube is a remote bearing monitoring and lubrication system designed to reduce what causes over 80% of premature bearings failure by enabling remote condition-based lubrication.
ENQUIRE ABOUT THIS PRODUCTThe OnTrak SmartLube is a remote bearing monitoring and lubrication system designed to reduce what causes over 80% of premature bearings failure by enabling remote condition-based lubrication. When it comes to bearings, friction is the enemy. We go to great lengths to try to avoid unnecessary friction in our rolling element bearings and yet we often experience premature bearing failure caused by lubrication issues. The OnTrak SmartLube fights back against friction by ensuring bearing lubrication certainty. Using ultrasound, the OnTrak SmartLube monitors the friction in a bearing looking for the first signs of lubrication issues, notifying you of the need for lubrication long before any damage is done to the bearing. Using the bearing friction as the guide, you can precisely and accurately lubricate using only the required amount of grease to bring the friction back to the normal baseline. By using the real-time friction as your guide while regreasing, you can have certainty that you have not over or under lubricated the bearing. We don’t just sell products, we offer a fully comprehensive service to compliment your maintenance program. Please contact us to find out more.
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