Expert In-Situ Balancing Services for Optimal Asset Reliability
One of the most commonly detected and easily rectified fault conditions within rotating assets is unbalance. Excessive Vibration caused by unbalance conditions leads to increased levels of destructive force being applied to components within an asset, reducing the asset life expectancy.
Utilising the latest in vibration analysis technology, unbalance can be detected either with or without historical data. Our fully qualified reliability engineers utilise the available technologies and expertise to assess the root cause of the high unbalance levels before embarking on a single or multi-plane balancing intervention.
Put simply, the aim of laser alignment and in-situ balancing is to return the asset to an operational state with minimal disruption to plant operations and to extend asset life.
Are you experiencing any of these problems?
- Build up of dust on fans
- Persistent increases in running speed vibration levels
- Resonance of surround structures and machinery
- Fan cleaning regimes ineffective
Increase the lifespan of bearings and other mechanical components.
Reduce overall energy consumption caused by consuming more power.
Reduce vibrations and noise levels caused by unbalanced machines.
What are the benefits of In-situ Balancing?
- Eliminates the requirements to completely dismantle and reassemble plant equipment to enable balancing of machine components
- Improves product quality
- Reduces downtime, labour and material costs
- Can be planned into scheduled short time outages e.g. machine mould or process changes
- Extends bearing and machine life
- Reduces the possibility of catastrophic failures
- Increases safety
Our Service
Balancing issues are one of the easiest problems to detect and resolve.
The aim of our service is to return the asset to an operational state with minimal disruption to plant operations, while extending asset life.
In-situ dynamic balancing is applicable to all rotating assets where a balance plane is accessible, such as fans, pumps, motors, generators, rollers, crushers, etc., to increase the reliability of your plant equipment.