Temperature is one of the most fundamental indicators to possible faults, defects or inefficiencies with a component or machine. An abnormal temperature distribution (which is invisible to the eye) can indicate faults such as bearing failures, faulty electrical connections, overloaded circuits and much more.
Infrared thermography (IRT) is a widely accepted condition monitoring tool which measures temperature in real-time and at a safe distance by capturing heat-generated images. The data captured from these images can then be interpreted by maintenance personnel to ensure key assets operate at maximum efficiency.
IRT can be applied to electrical and mechanical machinery and allows hazardous and costly faults to be identified early before they become more serious and expensive to repair.
Advantages of IRT
- Non-contact type technology
- Detect temperature anomalies
- Fast, reliable & accurate output
- Large surface areas can be scanned in a short time
- Affordable and cost-effective
Fluke’s cameras are ideal for those looking to carry out thermal imaging. The accuracy on offer in a Fluke infrared camera can save costly repairs down the line, as the infrared images from this range are sharp and easy to analyse.
Fluke was founded in 1948 and since then has become one of the world leaders in manufacturing, distributing and servicing infrared cameras. As an official distributor for Fluke, we can provide a number of accessories and high-quality infrared cameras which are easy and fast to use. You can view Fluke’s full product range by clicking here.
PCMS Engineering can also provide thermography services and training as part of a condition based maintenance (CBM) programme or as a one-off survey.
Our visual, fact-based thermography reports are written in plain English by industry professionals with over 30 years experience and include:
- Thermal and digital images of each asset
- Fault severity and description
- Engineer’s recommendations
An example of an electrical thermography report can be downloaded by clicking here.
For more information on our thermography service or Fluke product range, call us on +44(0)1709 8767 or email info@pcmseng.co.uk